Print or Email a Letter to a Worker

Note: This feature is not available for voters whose worker status is N,Not an Election Worker.

Suppose you want to send a letter—either by mail or email—to just one worker. A simple way to do this is through the Send-a-Letter button on the worker's record.

With Send-a-Letter, you can use any Microsoft Word mail merge document for your letter. You need not use a document defined in Document Maintenance. The Send-a-Letter feature fills in the worker's name, address, and any other mail merge fields specified in the document—such as class or election information.

To receive a letter by email, the worker must have a validated email address. Otherwise you will only be able to print the letter. For emailed letters, the text of the Word document is included in the body of the email.

If you need to make changes to the text of the letter, you can edit it during the Send-a-Letter process. Keep in mind that any edits will be saved only for this emailing/printing of the letter. (The edited version is saved in a temporary file that the system discards after the letter is emailed/printed.) If you want to make permanent changes to the letter, you must do that in Word, outside the Send-a-Letter process.

If you want to compose an entirely new letter, you will first need to create an empty document in Word and save it. Then you can select the document during the Send-a-Letter process and add the text and mail merge fields. You might want to have a blank copy of your office's letterhead for just this purpose. If you want to keep a copy of the document you create during the Send-a-Letter process, save it under a different file name after making your edits.